Love Your Story

Episode 208: What Do I Magnify?



Episode 208: What Do I Magnify? Whatever I see through the magnifying glass grows bigger. It is up to me where I focus that lense. At the beginning of the year I mentioned that my focus for the year was “What I focus on Expands.” We talked about that earlier, so today’s discussion is a little different - we’re talking about magnifying. It’s a space to ask yourself, what do I magnify? I think this topic is so important because it is the very power we create our stories with. What we magnify becomes bigger for us.  If I’m focusing on all the crazy political upheaval, I’m going to be filled with the emotions that brings up in me. Maybe I’ll be full of fear, spreading stories and fears with others, spending lots of time hording TP or …. If I’m focused on the good I see in others the world is going to feel pretty nice and I’ll see the beauty and diversity in people, which will create friendships, understanding between people, create a greater space for loving. If I’m magnifying business growth or making money my