Al Jazeera World

A Hard Road from Home: Journalists and Actors | Al Jazeera World



No two journeys of migration are the same. In this film, we follow four people who left their native countries, each for different reasons, to build new lives in Spain. Mae Azango is a journalist who fled Liberia in 2006 but eventually returned home six years later. A teenager in the Liberian Civil War of the 1990s, she was eight months pregnant when her father was beaten to death. Since returning, she has written in vehement opposition to female genital mutilation. While editors initially ignored her work, her persistence has now attracted several international awards. In 2016, journalist Milthon Robles fled his native Honduras where dozens of reporters have been killed covering the widespread gang violence. “They kidnapped me and tried to kill me several times,” he says, “specifically for my work as an investigative journalist.” He and his wife sought refuge in Spain, where he has received support from a global network that helps writers-in-exile. David Laurent is an actor from Cameroon who has lived in