Seneca Community Church Messages

Hope is Here - Part 2: Discouraged



Hope really is here in the person of Jesus! We don’t have to wait for it! But (you knew there was one) often when the expression of hope (Jesus) is not what we expected, after time we are left discouraged, heartbroken, and yes, even skeptical. This is the place we find Elizabeth (Jesus' mother Mary's cousin) and Zechariah as they process their lives with a delayed realization of hope. Luke described the couple this way: Zechariah and Elizabeth were both good people who pleased God. They did everything the Lord commanded, always following his instructions completely. Luke 1:6 ERV At first glance it doesn't add up that "good people who pleased God" waited almost a lifetime for a response from God. God is quiet, yet Elizabeth and Zechariah don't quit on Him. It is remarkable that God's lack of a response doesn't seem to affect their response to Him. Join us as we unpack how we can experience a Hope that is Here that touches our everyday life, even when being discouraged could become the flavor of our life.