
Episode 11: Joshua Kutryk, Back to Basic Training, Astronaut Basic Training



On Canada’s 150th Birthday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced Canada’s two newest astronaut recruits. It was a life changing day for them. For Lieutenant-Colonel Joshua Kutryk, it’s a day he won’t soon forget.Its been almost 8 weeks since Joshua was introduced to the public. And this week he’s going back to basic training, that is, astronaut basic training, where over the next two years he’ll learn the basics skills needed to be certified an astronaut.For the Fort Saskatchewan native, going to Houston is a big deal. It’s the home of NASA’s Johnson Space Center and the human spaceflight program. It’s also a very big city, the 4th largest in the United States. Joshua grew on a farm in eastern Alberta and still loves the peaceful nature of his home. But now he’ll need to adjust to the big city, though he’ll be busy most of the time training.Earlier this week I had the opportunity to ask Joshua a few questions before his training starts in earnest. See for privacy and opt-out information.