
Episode 17: The Montreal Space Symposium



Today on SpaceQ I’m going to discuss the Montreal Space Symposium in two segments which were recorded at the conference on Thursday, October 5th.The Montreal Space Symposium is a new conference that was conceived of and organized by students. In the span of just over two months seven people from different universities pooled their efforts to organize this two day conference. The organizers brought together 12 student associations from Montreal, what they are now calling the Montreal Student Space Associations. Because they kept their costs low and managed to raise the funds they needed from the associations, registration was free and they confirmed 400 registrations with approximately 300 attending the keynote. Their 47 speakers included a sizeable contingent from the Canadian Space Agency, university professors, a handful from industry, one from the Military and of course the students themselves.In the first segment I spoke with three of the organizers, Sandro Papais who is an engineering major at McGill Un