
Winter Series Episode 3: Peter Diamandis on Exploring Exponential Technologies



Hi, I’m Marc Boucher and this is the SpaceQ podcast. Welcome to the third and final episode of our three part Winter Series.Anyone familiar with the XPrize, and in particular the ANSARI and Google Lunar XPrize’s, will be familiar with today’s speaker. In this recent Talks at Google recorded on December 11 , 2018, the speaker is Peter Diamandis who discussed Exploring Exponential Technologies. While the talk itself is not targeted specifically at the space community, it does discuss technologies related to space. The broader ideas discussed are useful for anyone interested in innovation. Diamandis spends about 15 minutes talking to the audience before doing a fireside chat with Jack Hidary, Director of AI and Quantum at X, X being formerly known as Google X.For those who are not familiar with Peter Diamandis, he is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the XPrize Foundation, the world's leading large-scale incentive competition that produced, among others, the ANSARI XPrize which directly led to the founding o