
An IAC 2019 Special Podcast – Heads of Emerging Agencies



Hi, I’m Marc Boucher and this is the SpaceQ podcast. We have a special podcast from the recent International Astronautical Congress in Washington, the Heads of Emerging Agencies plenary.This a new plenary session at the IAC. And while we’re accustomed to a plenary featuring the heads of legacy national space agencies from the US, Russia, Japan, India, Europe, China and Canada, it’s only in the past few years that the voices of emerging space nations are starting to reach a global audience.This panel offers the listener an opportunity to learn about programs from some of the emerging space nations along with their thoughts on a host of issues facing all nations.In this panel you’ll hear from space leaders from the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Thailand, Brazil and Angola.The panel is moderated by Pontsho Maruping, Chair of the Scientific and Technical Committee, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), South Africa.The panelists include:* Mohammed Nasser Al Ahbabi, Director General, UAE Sp