
SpaceX Nails Crew Dragon In-Flight Abort Test - What's Next?



Hi, I’m Marc Boucher and this is the SpaceQ podcast.Today we’ve got a special episode for you. On Sunday, January 19 SpaceX performed the Crew Dragon in-flight abort test. By all accounts, and from what I saw, it was a successful test. This means the next launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon, Demo Mission 2, will carry NASA astronauts to the International Space Station.As you’ll hear, there’s still more to do before that launch happens. That launch could be as early as this spring, but is more likely to slip into the summer. But make no mistake about it, this was the final major flight milestone that needed to be accomplished before America begins launching astronauts on American rockets from American soil for the first time since 2011, nine years ago.And it won’t just be SpaceX launching astronauts to the ISS. Although Boeing's recent launch of its Starliner spacecraft didn’t go according to plan, and included, what some have characterized as an embarrassing timing issue, the Starliner spacecraft will follow Spa