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086 When Partners Disagree In Tennis



Isn't it fun playing doubles? You have the best partner in the world. You both play the same way, following the same strategy. You never disagree on what your tactics should be or who should have got that ball down the middle. And you never, ever disagree on calls.What? That's not how your tennis partnership works? Well, frankly, I doubt if anyone's partnership works that well. So, what do you do when you and your partner disagree on a call? What if one partner calls a serve in and the other calls it out? Is it a let? Do you just replay the point? Is there any kind of rule on this?I bet it's no surprise to hear that not only is there a rule, but I know about it because I've been in this situation. In this episode, I'll address a recent comment from "Anne" about this difficult situation.  I'll tell you what the tennis rules have to say about this and, hopefully, how you can avoid "doubles purgatory" when you get into a disagreement on calls with your partn