Waters Wavelength

Episode 245: Sustainability and the circular economy



We’re stepping a little outside the box this week! Garry Cooper, CEO and co-founder at Rheaply, joins Tony on the podcast to discuss the circular economy. Rheaply is a software-as-a-service company that helps enterprises re-source assets and services. 5:30 – Garry joins the podcast and defines the circular economy. 7: 30 – Then, he details problems with the circular economy and how his company, Rheaply, fits in. 9: 30 – Garry explains the concept of sharing the sugar and how Rheaply technology helps global banks. 13:00 – How important is data to reuse efforts? 17:00 – Is there a way to automate some of the manual processes of gleaning that data? 20:00 - Garry explains how he got into sustainability. 24:00 – Can the circular economy help with inflationary and supply chain issues? 25:30 – How do we convince local governments to take more steps contributing to the reuse initiative? 31:00 – What’s the most random thing Rheaply has ever taken inventory of?