Chatham House - Undercurrents

Smart Peace: Central African Republic



Smart Peace is a new podcast mini-series on the Undercurrents podcast feed. Over three episodes Ben explores new approaches to peacebuilding and conflict resolution with experts from the Smart Peace project.  Smart Peace is a global initiative led by Conciliation Resources, which combines the varied expertise of different consortium partners to address the challenges of building peace – focusing on the Central African Republic, Nigeria and Myanmar. This first episode focuses on conflict in Central African Republic. Ben is joined by Lisa Heinzel and Nyeko Caesar Poblicks from Conciliation Resources to discuss the latest political developments in the country, the drivers of unrest and efforts to build inclusive, locally-led peace processes.  Find out more about Smart Peace: Credits: Speaker: Lisa Heinzel, Nyeko Caesar Poblicks Host: Ben Horton Editor: Jamie Reed Sound Services Recorded and produced by Chatham Hou