Amazon Fba Seller Round Table

Ninja Amazon Listing Optimization Tactics



Clip 1 Hiring VAs Clip 2 Commitment Clip 3 Invest to Maximize ROI Clip 4 Sourcing Clip 5 Due Diligence Clip 6 Running PPC Clip 7 SOP Clip 8 Favorite Tools Danny:  Danny, one of your favorite tools, whether it’s like for Amazon or for like just your business, like what are your favorite tools that you use? Favorite tools? Uh, I mean the first one that really popped to mind that I think not that many people know about is more of a task management automation tool. It’s called podio and it’s very similar to Trello. You can set it up in boards or you can set it up and lists and stuff like that, but it’s a lot more powerful. It has a built in, um, a built in program that basically does what Zapier does. So Zapier is like an automat and automation, you know, if, if the trigger happens, if x happens, then it’s going to like send an email to this person or I going to be, and podio has one of his own tools built in this actually more powerful than Xavier. Danny: So we have a lot of really