Reimagining Justice

Automation to augmentation: from lawyers acting as modems and machines as judges with Pia Andrews



In episode no. 68 my guest is serial public sector transformer, Pia Andrews. We discuss: how her pursuit of “truth” led her to the open-source movement and working in policy development; how technological tools relate to our quality of life; ‘open source’ – its philosophy and implementation and the idea of “clever hacks”; how ‘rules as code’ addresses issues with enforcing regulation; prescriptive and principles-based rules and when each are appropriate; the connection between the cost of implementing regulation and its effectiveness; how an API for prescriptive rules relating to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism funding could have saved one bank $16M per year!; how ‘rules as code’ make compliance more transparent by allowing for modelling, and how this could increase accountability of the public sector; how current policy creation is insufficient and requires input from community and an example from France which incorporated co-design of policy; Taiwan’s response to the introduction of Uber! the i