Excelsior Life

Distance EDU On Demand: Michele Dutcher on Exploring Google GLASS



Michele Dutcher, interactive marketing and communications manager at Excelsior College and a Google GLASS explorer, joins the podcast to discuss Google’s latest initiative. Dutcher discusses the real-life application of Google GLASS technology and the varied reactions she has received while wearing the device, including a frightening encounter with a paranoid cab driver with a criminal record. The talk ends with a discussion of the factors that lead people to Orwellian fear or “Matrixesque” blind acceptance of new technology. 0:52 TedX Albany Round-up.            3:16 Google GLASS. 4:26 “Ok, GLASS: Save a life.” 5:20 GLASS in the operating room.   6:43 Gaming, training and how GLASS can be used in the Arts.   8:00 Becoming part of the Explorer Program. 9:00 Reactions to GLASS – A Frightening encounter with a cab driver with a criminal record. 11:00 Orwellian fear vs Matrix blind acceptance. Which camp do you fall? 13:20 New technology and the generational divide. 14:45 Take the blue pill and educate yo