Ghostwriters Anonymous

GWA #9 - Ghostwriting 101 Part 7



Taking on the author’s voice and the writing process. Welcome to Ghostwriters Anonymous, the podcast for those who give a literary voice to the world. I am your host, Alaina Burnett. In today’s episode of the Ghostwriting 101 series I will be talking about how to take on the author’s voice and how to begin the writing process.Now, before I go any further I want to talk about something I neglected to mention in last week’s episode on interviewing. Look at your blueprint and decide how you’re going to break up your interviews. It’s not like you’re going to have your author talk you through the entire book in one sitting, so separate the meetings by chapters, parts, or any other way that makes sense to you. Then, after each meeting make sure to make your transcript and go ahead and get writing. That way if you need more information on a certain topic, you can ask for more detail at the next meeting. You can also show your client what you have completed at each meeting so they can make sure it’s coming together t