Love Your Story

Episode 201: Iditarod Trail Invitational - 350 Miles of Self-Sustained Running in the Alaskan Wilderness: Interview - Austin Hansen



Episode 201: Iditarod Trail Invitational - 350 Miles of Self-Sustained Running in the Alaskan Wilderness: Interview - Austin Hansen The Iditarod Trail Invitational is the world's longest running winter ultra-marathon. One of the most challenging experiences on the planet, participants brave extreme physical, environmental and mental challenges as they travel along the historic Iditarod Trail on bicycle, foot or skis. Requiring self-sufficiency and the considerable resilience to make it through up to 30 frozen days and nights, the Iditarod Trail Invitational has built its reputation on notoriously inhospitable conditions and minimal outside support. For its participants, the Iditarod Trail Invitational is a measure of human willpower like no other. On today’s show I bring you Austin Hansen, a man who was not only invited, but succeeded in completing the Iditarod Trail Invitational 350 this year in 2021 -  thats 350 Miles of self-sustained, snow laden, torture, in my book. Tune in to the audio program to he