Theology In The Raw

#886 - Sex, Gender, and the Anthropology of Trans* Identities: Dr. Abigail Favale



Abigail and I talk about all things related to gender, postmodern feminism, and the ontology of trans* identities. We discuss the meaning of sex and gender, the relationship between body and soul, the possibility of an intersex condition of the brain, whether brains are male and female, intersex conditions, gender stereotypes, and how all of this relatest to the anthropological understnading of trans* experiences. Dr. Favale is dean of the College of Humanities and Associate Professor of English at George Fox University. She graduated from George Fox University with a philosophy degree in 2005, and went on to complete her doctorate at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where her dissertation was granted the Samuel Rutherford Prize for the most distinguished thesis in English literature. Dr. Favale is an active writer in multiple genres. Her literary criticism has appeared in various academic journals and essay collections. In 2017, she was awarded the J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction. A l