Billow Waggle Dangle

BWD #49: Two Large White Guys Solve Everything



BWD #49: Two Large White Guys Solve Everything (PLAY EPISODE) The ghost of my great-grandfather returns to the show to shoot the shit and answer some troubling questions, such as: What’s something you’ve seen and wish you hadn’t? (Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler, and many, many things on the internet) Have you ever done a 180 on an issue you felt strongly about? (Merging on the freeway) What’s a nonsexual thing a girl has done that was a huge turn-on? (Calling you on your shit, buying you a drink, playing through a football game with a broken hand) What is one of the worst/most spiteful things you’ve ever done? (Slipping porn into cars at the mall) Two large white guys with shaved heads going to a lesbian bar? MIXED RESULTS. Being male and growing up without getting all screwed up: Harder than you’d think! Do we remember the first porno we ever saw? You betcha? You betcha.  Remember to like our Facebook page and subscribe to us on iTunes.