Bhooked Podcast: Crochet | Yarn | Hobby | Lifestyle

#123 Five Tips for Ordering Yarn Online



Are you hesitant to order yarn online because you need to see and feel it first?I’ll be honest, I love the “thrill of the hunt” – going to a store like Joann’s or Michael’s not knowing what I’m going to find. You just can’t get the same tactile experience when ordering yarn online. But sometimes it’s something we have to do.Have you ever ordered yarn online and it wasn’t the right color? Or even worse, the textured wasn’t what you expected? You’re not alone here. I lost track in the double digits! There are so many variables potentially working against us when we order yarn online. Today I’ll share five tips for the next time you order yarn online so you’re hopefully less disappointed or surprised when your package arrives.About The BHooked PodcastBrittany's primary goal is to inspire you and help you grow in your craft with The BHooked Podcast. Through her own stories and the stories of each special guest, you'll discover tips and tricks to improve your crochet and knitting skills and find inspirat