Overseas Baseball Podcast

Draci Brno GM on Success, Importing & Czech Baseball



The International Baseball Community podcast Episode #23 features back-to-back interviews on Czech baseball. First I interview Draci Brno GM Arny Nesnal and then Lucie Cubikova, director of international affairs for Czech baseball. Between the two of them, listeners are able to get a clear idea of what Czech baseball has to offer. Mr. Nesnal fills IBC listeners in on what is going on in Brno and why they have won 18 of the last 19 championships. We also dive into the importing that has been going on over the years and what their imports usually bring to the table. Mr. Nesol also elaborates on the lifestyle of the Draci import and why they seem to always want to return for a second or third year. Ms. Cubikova provides a more broad view on Czech baseball and of the various clubs around the league and opportunities within for professional players and coaches. Lastly, I introduce a new intro that I am very excited about. One of my favourite bands and local Austrian talent, Wham Bam Bodyslam allowed me to use o