Overseas Baseball Podcast

Playing baseball in France in a nutshell. Is France a safe place to play In 2016?



With all the violence that has taken place in France as of late, I can understand why someone may be hesitant to consider playing baseball there in 2016. However, when considering the alternative of staying and playing in the U.S. (for most of you), is France really any more dangerous? The U.S. by far dominates international headlines with regards to violent shootings, so why not take your career over to Europe? My ignorant impression from the outside as a Canadian living in Europe is that you are just as likely to come across senseless acts of violence or terrorism in the U.S. as you are in France. In the end, I guess the question we should ask ourselves is, "Should I allow the acts of terrorists to change my path in life or pass up on opportunities such as travelling the globe while playing baseball?" Only you can answer that for yourself but I know what my answer is and I am pretty sure what these guys would say.