Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#186: Where we go wrong with goal setting



Goal setting is such a prevalent concept in our society, yet a lot of us can get it wrong.   Now ‘getting it wrong’ isn’t to imply that you’re not meeting some arbitrary expectation, but to say that sometimes our goals don’t align with our values, intentions or how we actually want to live.    We can use ‘goals’ as our guiding force in life, but sometimes those goals are leading us away from what we actually want.    Taking the time to figure out what your guiding principles for a well lived life are, what your values are and how you actually want your life to feel in the future is the foundation we want to build our goals from.    Not from an insecurity we have to ‘achieve x in order to feel y’.    What are your truest values? What are the things that you feel make up the very fabric used in creating the tapestry of your best lived life? How can you make sure these things guide your goals?    What would your goals and vision for your future be if you didn’t have to worry about money or had all the validation