Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#187: What does ‘living a good life’ mean?



If I were to ask you what a good life meant to you, how would you answer that question? And after answering it, would you be able to say yes, you are in fact living that life?    If you’re anything like me, these last fews years have really left me contemplating what it means to ‘live a good life’.    I have come to realize that certain ways I’d answer that question aren’t really me, but the conditioned response I’ve been taught to believe were things I wanted for my life. That, that was someone else's response to a good life, but not mine.    There is also this space of needing to acknowledge the things that get in the way of us living our best lives. The desire to belong, the need for financial security and a sense of safety, responsibilities we feel we are tethered to, to name a few.    This week we dive into how to discover what our version of a good life is, explore the things potentially that feel like hurdles in our way and ultimately how to cultivate that life in a way that feels sustainable and possi