Character Corner - A Podcast On Your Favorite Comic Book Characters

Claremont X-Men Part 3 - Sinister Saga - Character Corner #78



We're back with the 78th episode of the Character Corner. We're almost to the end of our Claremont X-Men run. Picking up right where we left off after the Trial of Magneto with issue 201 and it's Cyclops vs Storm for leadership of the X-Men! Scott is reunited with his wife, Madelyne, and his son Nathan but he's struggling to figure out where he fits in. Does he stay with the X-Men or does he retire and go off as a husband and a father? Storm sensing the struggle inside of her friend and colleague uses Scott's distracted mind against him and even though she's de-powered, easily takes Scott down to assume leadership. That would be the end of Scott's time as a team leader and set him off on a path of growth however, we must address the elephant in the room: The Return of Jean Grey.  John Bryne brings Jean back in the pages of the Fantastic Four (Fantastic Four #286) much to the chagrin of Claremont. Claremont then sets forward to put together a saga that gives a purpose to the now abandoned Madelyne Pryor. In t