Dihard Podcast

S0-E07 Pre-Albert Brooks



Chris Hardwick had a birthday.  I did stuff.  Was it epic?  Probably not in the big picture of the universe or Mr. Hardwick's life but everyone learned an important lesson and grew as a result.   FYI:  http://api.ning.com/files/c1G7Az98ZPw-v1rLaFEuLZCFc9TZNeAjOHyCemfvzAYeJWFlzNb84iA5Fdj0qjswLqWqE7Cf083weM2-Hn7A-SX5G3u*F0*r/nodebirthday2.jpg I did a video too: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmar0527?feature=mhee   Thanks for listening!