Tennis Quick Tips | Fun, Fast And Easy Tennis - No Lessons Required

084 How To Fake Poach In Tennis Doubles



Why aren't you poaching more? You know you should be and yet, you're so afraid that you'll get caught with a down-the-line return from your opponent that you keep standing there, flat-footed at the net and you never take a chance on poaching.  But have you tried fake poaching?  Fake poaching might be your ticket to poaching success.  In this episode, I'll explain what fake poaching is and why you should give it a try in your next match.You can find the show notes for this episode at: I'm celebrating National Tennis Month this May and have lots of fun activities and giveaways planned.  You can find the details at: make sure you get all of my updates, including all of the fun happening for National Tennis Month, sign up for my weekly updates email list.  You can find that here: