

In this conversation with Yaro Starak, we discuss the benefits of having remote teams and why many businesses are so reluctant to embrace the flexibility of working remotely outside of an office. There are probably many factors involved in why companies are dragging their feet. Many business owners don’t want to give up control. Many are worried that their company culture will suffer. But over the past 20 years, Yaro has proven that it IS possible to run a business remotely without losing any productivity. In fact, the way Yaro Starak sees it, he’s probably been even more productive due to the fact his employees have a greater degree of flexibility while working remotely.  nstead of tracking time spent at a desk, Yaro tracks the output of his remote teams. And he wouldn’t have it any other way. Even company culture has continued to flourish despite the distance between his employees. With so many options available to remote workers these days, it speaks to the cohesiveness of the company that many of them hav