Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Public Speaking For Leaders: Why It's ESSENTIAL For Today's Entrepreneur W/ Tom Bailey - 205



So, why does every business owner need to become great in public speaking for leaders? In today’s episode, I speak to Tom Bailey, the founder of Success Through Speaking, about speaking on camera, podcasting for business, and the need for business owners to be able to communicate their message effectively in a world that's increasingly content consuming. In the past 10 years, video, podcasting and virtual events have enabled us to consume things differently. This transition affects business owners, who, unfortunately, can be reluctant to use those platforms. Their avoidance of speaking is understandable because some people prefer to stay out of the public eye. However, it's no longer advisable, nor is it pragmatic for business owners to shy away from public speaking for leaders. Speaking on camera, podcasting for business, and other platforms are actually very powerful tools, especially as the world shifts from corporate branding to PERSONAL branding. People connect with people. Business owners need