Bible Learners Corner

God's Implanted Word in Our Heart Saves Souls (Part 7): | Empowered By The Holy Spirit | Preaching The Saving Word | Taking in The Word Of God



The gospel of mankind’s salvation is being preached to the whole world according to the great commission given by the lord Jesus Christ. [Matthew 28]. The gospel which has been preached to us, which also we received and in which we stand, by which also we are saved, if we hold fast that word which was preached to us—unless we believed in vain. [1 Corinthians 15]. As the inspired share the gospel, this is due to the enablement by the Holy Spirit. Those who hear and obey the Lord’s word – the word the Holy Spirit has given by inspiration; these are eating the heavenly daily bread.  The word implanted in the hearts believe, should have their soul saved. Once the soul is Saved and bearing the fruits of righteousness, someone is a child of God and can enter God’s kingdom in heaven. Take note: Preaching The Word of God [SOWING SPIRITUAL SEED] or Taking in The Word Of God [EATING THE HEAVENLY BREAD]. This happens Only Through Enablement … Empowered By The Holy Spirit … Stay blessed and shalom