Lisa Hendey And Friends

Soren and Ever Johnson "Trinity House" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #117



On this week's show, Trinity House community founders Soren and Ever Johnson open their hearts and their spiritual home to us. About Soren and Ever Johnson: Soren and Ever Johnson, parishioners at St. John the Apostle, Leesburg, VA, are proud parents of five children. They founded the nonprofit Trinity House Community and its Trinity House Café with a mission to inspire families to live together with God, making their homes a little taste of heaven to share with others for the renewal of faith and culture. Soren formerly served as Director of Evangelization for the Diocese of Arlington, VA, and his writing has appeared in the Washington  Post,  Columbia, and the Arlington  Catholic Herald.  Ever formerly served as Research Assistant to papal biographer George Weigel and has been published in Magnificat. They both hold M.A.s in theology and have presented at numerous conferences and workshops. About Trinity House: Co-founded and co-directed by Soren a