Indie Movie Cast

IMC 046 - One in 45,000



We get a reality check when we look up some troubling stats.We also read over a list of steps to becoming a successful filmmaker.Dominic returns to talk about his experiences directing his new short film Anomaly .He also tells his side of the story concerning this year's "48 Hour Film Project."Schmollywood:We voice our opinions about BATfleckWe complain about reboots for Robocop, Terminator, and PoltergeistWe look forward to the most anticipated movies coming out this fall.Jay's Hobbit Update of the Week:  We can only talk about how there is nothing to talk about.Think How I Think:Quick reviews for:ElysiumRiddickBefore the show ends we have a quick discussion regarding the "48 Hour Horror Film Project."(Click here for MP3 version)