Runaway Franchise

051: Terminator: Genisys – The Runaway Franchise Podcast



The Runaway Franchise Bots finally wrap-up the time traveling, Sci-Fi, action, thriller Terminator with 2015's Terminator Genisys! There must have been a change in the timeline as the critical panning this movie took in 2015 didn't line up with the assessment of the Runaway Bots of 2018. Join the Bots to find out why this movie isn't perfect but not obsolete! In the Lobby: Dom and Ed get a mysterious warning from a possibly time traveling listener. See a reason why the world deserves to be overthrown by the machines, And check out some of our listeners submitted LEAGUES TO DEEP BLUE SEA! The Runaway Franchisees are: Dom Delledera ( Ed Jelley ( Tom Napolitano ( Home page ( Subscribe on iTunes [audio mp3=""][/audio]