
45: TV show revivals



Jacki Merchant joins Jen this week to talk about the many TV shows that have in some way gotten a second wind. From a Kickstarter-funded movie years after the fact, to fan campaigns reversing cancellations, to changing networks or moving to Netflix, there are tons of examples of TV shows that have been rescued from the grave. Of course, for all the shows that got resuscitated and made good on their second shot at life, there are also a few that fumbled their reprieve. If you're enjoying PrePopCulture, please rate/review it on iTunes, and like it on Facebook! Want to suggest a topic for an episode? Email! Show notes: Follow Jacki on Twitter Arrested Development Chuck saved by Subway Firefly / Serenity Girl Meets World Jericho Southland Terriers The Veronica Mars movie on Kickstarter Theme song: Alps by Motorama is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License.