
48: Revival cinema



This week, Julia Marchese joins Jen to discuss revival cinema, the type of movie theater that has classic and special programming rather than first run films. Working at and loving the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles, Julia is a veritable expert on revival cinema and has also been inspired to fight back against studios phasing out 35mm film prints by making her upcoming documentary, Out of Print. Julia shares thoughts on the importance of revival cinema to movies as a whole, what makes the New Beverly so special, plus cool tidbits about Out of Print. She also reveals what it's like to have Quentin Tarantino as your landlord. If you're enjoying PrePopCulture, please rate/review it on iTunes, and like it on Facebook! Want to suggest a topic for an episode? Email! Show notes: Follow Julia on Twitter and stay tuned to the website for Out of Print for updates about the documentary! If you're in Los Angeles, check out the New Beverly! Butt-Numb-A-Thon Theme song: Alps by Motorama is licens