Staring At Screens.

42. Oculus Rift 101



On this week's thrilling episode, Eric is back(!) and he tells us about replaying Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game, getting DMC: Devil May Cry on sale and his latest obsession: Just Dance 2014. Dave too is back(!) and he tells us about what he's been up to lately in the Carnegie Mellon University ETC (read: not playing video games). Joel is… still here(…) and against all conventional wisdom he goes full-Nintendo with Pokémon X, Lego City Undercover and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In the second segment we talk about the Oculus Rift and the kinds of games we'd like to see on the platform. Along the way we name drop Hawken, Titanfall, Eurotruck Simulator, Just Dance 2015, Saints Row IV, AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome, Gone Home, and the Virtuix Omni treadmill. If you have questions or comments you can tweet us @StaringScreens or write to us at Errata: The game we're actually thinking of at the 4:30 mark is River Valley Rendang River City Ransom. Sigh. The