Wandering The Aisles W/ Andy Farnsworth

SN2:EP3 "Being in Jeff's Apartment When He's Not There"



A tiny documentary on what it's like to be in a friend's apartment when they're not there. Followed by me and Jeff talking about: people who don’t wring out the kitchen sponge; getting way deep into the nature of storytelling (he helps coach me through an impossibly climax-less story I keep insisting on telling). He comes over and cooks me the mushrooms I helped watch for him one weekend in March. Jeff’s a real heavyweight and it was an honor to have him on. He's “a storyteller, standup, and the guy behind "'And I Am Not Lying,' a variety show that combines stand-up, storytelling, burlesque, sideshow and music on the second Friday of every month at UCB East." He’s won a bunch of Moth StorySLAMS, And you may recognize him from stories on This American Life, The Moth, and some things he’s written for  The Paris Review Daily. He also teaches a storytelling class that's a "six-week workshop for experienced comics and storytellers, to teach the structure and technique of comedic storytelling." If you’re intereste