Restless Native

11: Ben O’Brien, YETI Fella, Writer, Philosopher



“We have control of how we’re perceived. We don’t have control of the prism for which that perception happens.”-Ben O'Brien, Hunting Marketing Manager, YETIPerception isn’t just important. Perception is reality.Today’s guest is outdoor philosopher, writer and the Hunting Marketing Manager at YETI, Ben O'Brien. Ben's made some waves lately with his comments on that reality for hunters. He’s known for speaking his mind, and not shying away from controversy. Beyond his commentary on grip and grins and why he doesn't share them anymore, you might have heard about a little disagreement between his employer and the NRA. He saw it all first hand.And yes, we talk about it.This show's so much more than that though. We go deep on some fresh topics with Ben. I've been a fan of Ben's for a few years now. He's a great writer, and I love how he challenges authority and common perceptions. He doesn't accept ideals just because they've existed for decades. In fact, he's