Restless Native

58: Kevin Orthman, Professional Outdoor Media Association’s Executive Director



"As we see the traditional storytellers retire, it's about bringing up the next generation. We have a lot of young people, but I don't want to lose the baby boomer's knowledge. Some of these people have been doing this for 35 yers and they've made the mistakes we don't want to make ourselves."— Kevin OrthmanI met Kevin Orthman just a few days before GoWild launched. And he's been one of our best supporters ever since. I joined POMA for the connections, thinking it could help us pickup some good advertisers as we grow. What I got was so much more. I've made friends, found teammates, met thought leaders, and founded many businesses relationships. The Professional Outdoor Media Association is the best program we work with. I can’t wait for the convention this summer and highly recommend you check it out. If you like this show and are interested in POMA, remember, memberships are cheap. And as I point out in the show. Nobody is paying me to say this. In fact I pay POMA