Connect With Rodney Cundiff

LET"S GO TEAM - pt3 - Reproducing Productivity



In “Reproducing Productivity”, Rodney shares that, “Productivity is good, but ‘Reproducing Productivity’ is better.” The ability of a leader to reproduce themselves in others is necessary; otherwise, it puts at risk your vision, legacy, and others dreams. It has been said, “We teach what we know, but we reproduce what we are.” Some people have natural leadership gifts. Sometimes a crisis can draw leadership out of someone. Sometimes a leader puts you under their wing and mentors you. Don’t underestimate your influence on others. You can change the world because of your influence. Who are you intentionally developing a relationship with; so that, you can reproduce yourself in them? If you are going to reach your goals you will need to bring people with you that will help you achieve the dream. God has placed people in your life to help you, and lift you up by, bearing the burden with you, so you are not alone. Reproducing productivity requires intentionally developing a relationship with someone; so