Men Of Abundance

009: Why Focusing on Family will Improve Your Business with Randy Schrum



When it comes to living a life of Abundance in Family, Faith, Fitness and Finances, our guest today came from a family that was about as far from that as posible. Today Randy Schrum not only lives his life of abundance, he's taking others with him. We get very deep and personal in this conversation. [spp-tweet tweet="The more I focus on my family, the more fruitful my business becomes."] ()Randy Schrum, is a multiple business owner, husband, and father of 7. He's a family focused entrepreneur, successful businessman, speaker, and business consultant, along with being a mentor to entrepreneurs, executives, and men. Randy Shcrum has been fortunate to be able to close million dollar deals, invest in real estate, and travel the world in our businesses. Some of Randy Shcrum's businesses do 5 figure days while others can do up to 6 figures in single days. Needless to say Randy Schrum has a unique understanding of ma