Men Of Abundance

039: Deciding Enough is Enough, And Taking Action: Gerod Farmer



Having a side hustle has never been so important as it was for Gerod Farmer. When he had an issue with one of his supervisors Gerod decided he was not going to put up with being disrespected like that. So, he quit his job as a police officer and moved on to turn his side hustle into a full time income.   [spp-tweet tweet="Comparison is the thief of Joy "]   Following school Gerod joined the military during the Iraq war. It was there that he learned other valuable lessons that apply equally to business as to combat: integrity, self discipline and positive “can do” attitude. Following my military service Gerod joined his father’s auto sales business and acquired further skills in leading and managing others, which led to further profitability. ()By April 2, 2013 Geord put all of his acquired skills and knowledge into a new business venture, a moving and transportation company that started up debt free and co