Dangerous R&r Show Podcast

DRR Pick of the Month...or Shamless Self Promotion



Hey! If I don't do it who will? This is a band I was in from around 1992....we recorded the original tracks at Mixolydian Studios right here in my hometown of Boonton, NJ....some overdubs [hand claps, etc] were done in a studio in Riverdale, NJ. All the members of this recording were in other bands and we did this as a favor for a guy who was starting up a record label. As it turned out we got the lead off track to his compilation: In Wig City on Buy Or Die! Records out of Hackettstown, NJ....never far from home is my motto! 1 gig on a Buy Or Die! show and that was it....Mef & Susan are the singers...Mef was in a band with her then husband called The Partners [I was in the band on lead guitar for their 1st CD]. Sue was a go-go girl living with Brian who handles the lead vocals...Drummer Bob was in The Pseudo-Realists and The Partners as well as myselfThis song got voted as "the best summer song that should've been blasting out of every car radio"....by a local music mag.dig it and let