Comics Dash

274: It's About Being A Little Buzzed



Wozwers, that's alot of devil's water, Batman! That may be so, Robin but everyone knows that it's ok to drink with friends. Gee Batman, when you're right you're right and you sure aint left!Thanks, Chum! Now let's say we mosey on down to the malt shop for a strawberry milkshake and some curly fries? Fuck you Batman, I'd rather talk about how Jean-Luc is giving up new Star Wars, Chad's trip to the record shop, Emily watching Venom and Alex reading the Thrawn trilogy! What the fuckity fuck are you talking about Robin? And then I'd like to talk about The Joker #8, I Am Batman #2, Batman: The Imposter #1, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #9, The Six Sidekicks of Trigger, Compass #5 and-That's it! No pudding for you, Chum! I'm going to the ball with The Joker because he's less of a kninny than you are! Good grief, Batman! This is why your parents faked their deaths. [Theme Music Plays]