How Do We Fix It?

Scary Smart. The Future of Artificial Intelligence. Mo Gawdat



Imagine a future where smart machines are more intelligent than humans. That future may be coming much faster than we think. The stark implications are considered in this podcast. The former Chief Business Officer at Google X, Egyptian entrepreneur Mo Gawdat has long been at the heart of the artificial intelligence revolution, deeply involved in engineering, robotics, and AI. Mo is also a podcaster with a focus on how we can promote happiness. In his latest book, "Scary Smart", he argues that AI reflects our values and that unless humans change their online behavior, the consequences could be terrifying. "The true pandemic of our times is not COVID-19, Mo tells us. "AI is the real pandemic. It's at its infancy and will grow in intelligence until a point where it is undisputed that they will be the leaders."In less than ten years, he predicts, we will experience "the singularity", when artificial intelligence will be many times smarter than humans. But not all