

Preparing for the unexpected is not easy. But it's not impossible. We can take a few notes from today's guest, Helen Yu, about this. She shares 4 CRITICAL LESSONS which can help entrepreneurs in accelerating business growth, even in the midst of the sudden global pandemic that shocked us all. And she's learned this from her personal experience of climbing Mount Everest - not having climbed a single mountain in her life before this.Imagine having to climb the highest mountain in the world without any mountain climbing experience. Where do you even start? For Helen, this meant tremendous amounts of preparation during a time when Google wasn't yet everyone’s best friend. She tried as best she could with her resources at the time to prepare for something she hasn't ever done. She combed through library books, and got in touch with connections who've done it before. Preparing for the unexpected is not easy, and it becomes especially harder if you don't know what things you'r