Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

The Evolution Of Productivity W/ Michael Teape - 200



The world is changing, and so is the traditional office space and work environment. As a result, the idea of team productivity is also changing. In today’s episode, I’m joined by Michael Teape, co-founder of Teape Training International, to talk about post-pandemic productivity. The days where productivity meant being physically present in the office and showing up for endless meetings in the traditional office space are over. In the traditional work environment, productivity was judged based on the number of hours worked in a physical office than the actual output. In the past 18 months, we’ve seen so many changes suddenly brought onto us by the pandemic, including remote working, blended working and tech innovations. This has redefined post-pandemic productivity for all of us. However, many are still trying to operate on pre-Covid norms instead of shifting into the post-Covid economy. But teams are made up of diverse individuals who are ever-evolving and flexible. For this reason, the traditional office spa