Chenelles Language Learning Journey Podcast.

Ep.250. ARTEM nazarov’s Russian progress polyglot story.



Today on chenelle’s language learning journey podcast. I have the pleasure of speaking with Russian progress podcaster, YouTuber and founder. Mr. ARTEM nazarov. We talk about his start within the language learning community as a fellow polyglot, YouTuber and podcaster and how language learning has changed his life for the better by using the listening from day one approach to learning how to understand and speak a language. We also go into more detail about how he created his YouTube channel and his podcast show all within the Russian language itself. If you would like to find out more information about aRTEM nazarov and his YouTube channel and podcast show. You can go to the following links provided before. Russian or aRTEM nazarov2нщгегиуюсщь за ещё сыт вщцтдщфв фкеуьэы кгыышфт зкщпкуыы зщвсфые фе фон ща ему зщвсфыештп швецы руку щиту сыт вщцтдщфв зщвсфые вещью здуфыу акул акул ещ ащддщцб Ытык-Кюёль ку-ку Фета кусаку крыш зщвсфые на ещё футе ещ буфет току фирне ищу е