Tennis Quick Tips | Fun, Fast And Easy Tennis - No Lessons Required

074 The Best Tennis Of Your Life Book Review



Because the weather has been so dang cold lately, I've had a lot of my tennis matches cancelled.  But just because I can't get out and play tennis doesn't mean i'm not working on my tennis.  I've pulled out some of my favorite tennis books to go through and one I'm really loving right now is Jeff Greenwald's The Best Tennis of Your Life: 50 Mental Strategies for Fearless Performance.  In this episode, I'll tell you what I get out of this book and why I think you can benefit from it too.You can find the show notes to this episode and a link to the Jeff Greenwald book over at:, you can finally join my first tennis mini-course, Simple Endurance Training for Tennis!  To get more information or to join the course, go to: