Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Disney, Dentists, and Dr. Lou Shuman



Dr. Lou Shuman was lucky enough to have grown up with many different mentors, including Henry Goldman. His father partnered with Goldman and ultimately ended up inspiring him to pursue his own dental career. But Dr. Shuman wanted to do things a bit differently.  He wanted to create a group practice that would give everything his patients would need in one place, and it eventually grew into a practice with 10 dentists and 25 hygienists specializing in different things. But life can take a turn you can’t anticipate, and that’s exactly what happened when Walt Disney called. You might think a person in their right mind wouldn’t turn down an offer from Disney, but that’s exactly what Dr. Shuman did. He didn’t agree with Disney’s 25th-anniversary celebration that overlooked the kids and families who could never afford to visit Walt Disney World, and he told them so. Little did he know that two days later Disney would call him back.   What does Disney have to do with dentistry? Nothing, at first. But once Dr. Shuman