Invest Florida - A Real Estate Podcast

Ep. 206 Colin Murphy: Personal Perspective on Single Family Investing during COVID19



Today we talk with Colin Murphy about how the COVID19 crisis is affecting the single family market. Colin is active in the affordable single family home market - $150k-$180k concrete block homes - and they have been remarkably resilient which means he hasn't seen many discounted prices or special deals as a result of COVID19.   At least in the near future, Colin doesn't think we will see a wave of short sales or foreclosures. Some of the reasons for this are that banks aren't giving out the bad loans now that they were giving out 12 years ago. Also, a record number of home owners have refinanced which has given them additional cash flow to weather a storm. There is just not as many distressed homes on the market to get a discounted price or deals. This can all change, however, as real estate is a lagging indicator and is a couple of months behind the wider economy.